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Over the last few days a harsh review of one of our frames was posted on YouTube and this has generated a series of unpleasant comments and links shared on our social profiles, some of which could provide a stimulus to further improve our products.

Now we would like to take some time to talk about this matter.

Since we founded our brand we’ve been committed to make the most of our values and artisanal production: we are a company of just a few people producing only a few dozen handmade frames per year. So there are no teams of engineers, wind tunnels, CNC machines or futuristic systems inside the company: just the skilled hands of people who love their work, guided by the experience of those who have been making frames for many years and do it with passion.

In a world used to e-commerce and industrial production, returning a non-compliant product and receiving a refund or the instant substitution of the part may seem the most simple, quick and obvious solution. Yet for us this is not the case, as behind every handmade frame lie weeks of work, so we always try to solve the problem, instead of going straight to a replacement or refund.

Our frames are manufactured and tested according to the use for which they were designed: customized and tailor-made frames which, once equipped with accessories and components, create a complete road bike. Our manufacturing process goes through several checks and stages, but the product tolerance is usually about a few tenths.

In any case, we have always been willing to fix any problem found by our customers or, whenever necessary (in our opinion), replace the frame with a new one.

In this specific case, the customer had visited the company directly and then personally picked up the frame (for a total of about € 3.650 well below the $ 7.000 stated in the video review). After the customer reported the problems, we immediately made ourselves available in order to resolve them and allow him to assemble the bike, but we got back a refusal.

We would be pleased to take this opportunity to invite the author of the video to our company and discuss the different positions expressed.

Team Legend  

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